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Future University in Egypt - FUE

Future University in Egypt - FUE

FUE is one of the prominent private universities in Egypt. Founded in 2006, by the Presidential Decree 254/2006 according to law number 101/1992 and executive regulations 219/2002, Future University in Egypt is a leading private university strategically located in the heart of New Cairo. FUE is one of the prominent private universities in Egypt. Founded in 2006, by the Presidential Decree 254/2006 according to law number 101/1992 and executive regulations 219/2002, Future University in Egypt is a leading private university strategically located in the heart of New Cairo. Future University in Egypt - FUE

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Future University in Egypt - FUE This institution has verified its data

Future Endodontic Microscope Center

The center contains the highest technology and equipment available in the field of endodontics: The center is divided into a laboratory, which have ten bench microscopes and a clinic, which have another ten patient microscopes. Every microscope is equipped with digital video camera for documentation. Every video camera is connected to LCD computer for recording. All the computers in the clinic are connected to each other and connected to a digital radiography system through a network. Both the laboratory and the clinic have different equipment and devices.

Future Center for American Studies (FCAS)

Future Center for American Studies' mission is to promote mutual understanding between the United States of America and Egypt. Enhance bilateral cooperative environment conducive to peace and development. Introduce the American society; its values, characteristics, domestic dynamics and relevant actors to Egyptian and Arab communities.

Future Center for Political and Security Studies (FCPSS)

Future Center for Political and Security Studies (FCPSS) encourages carrying out research on issues of concern to policy makers, national institutions, political science researchers, academics and strategic analysts. In addition, FCPSS arranges training workshops to media professionals, civil society organizations, NGOs as well as government agencies on political subjects as well as issues related to refugees and immigrants. Furthermore, FCPSS provides in depth analysis of the Egyptian political system, society and its political, economic and social dynamics which would help in understanding comprehensive reform. FCPSS aims at exploring all avenues to regional cooperation among Egypt and both the Arab world and Middle East countries. It will go beyond the region to the main actors in the international system. Global issues such as environment, poverty, arms race, status of refugees and immigrants will be part of FCPSS interest.

Future Center for Economic and Financial Studies (FCEFS)

The Center of Economic and Financial Studies (CEFS) encourages carrying out research on issues of concern to policy makers, national institutions, economic researchers and academics who are interested in issues related to sustainable development and Socio-economic field. In addition, CEFS will arrange training workshops for economists, financiers, academics, civic employees, NGOs, policy makers, and business community on different economic and financial aspects. Besides, CEFS will provide in depth analysis of the Egyptian and Arab economic circumstances and future after the Arab Revolutions as well as avenues of cooperation between the countries in the region. Issues such as sustainable development, economic integration, financial stability, competitiveness, and economic development will be encompassing the research interest of the center.

Future Center for Public Opinion Polls (FCPOP)

Future Center for Public Opinion Polls (FCPOP) conducts surveys and public opinion polls concerning strategic and important issues and problems which face decision-makers and politicians. It presents the results of the surveys to concerned agencies as well as media. In addition, the center trains political mass media students on questionnaire design, implementation and analysis as well as field interviews. Moreover, the center exchanges knowledge with similar centers in and outside Egypt.

Future Center for Chinese Studies (FCCS)

Future Center for Chinese Studies (FCCS) goals are based on the basic documents between the two countries which aim at achieving principles outlined by both Arab-Chinese and Chinese-Africa Forum. FCCS encourages carrying out research on issues of concern to policy makers, national institutions, political science researchers and academics who are interested in strengthening Egyptian- Chinese interactions. In addition, FCCS arranges training workshops to media professionals, civil society organizations, NGOs as well as government agencies on bilateral relations and the Chinese society. Furthermore, FCCS provides in depth analysis of the Chinese society and its political, economic and social dynamics which would help Egyptians to understand how political decisions are taken in the People's Republic of China. Professionals who go through training conducted by FCCS would be future trainers of trainees in this area.

Future Center for Public Policy Analysis (FCPPA)

Future Center for Public Policy Analysis (FCPPA) focuses on studying public policy issues in Egypt and the Arab World. It encourages researchers to prepare policy papers and policy briefs as a service to decision-making circles. It holds workshops and training programs for civil society, government institutions, economists as well as public policy analysts to analyze political, economic and social issues which face Egypt and the Arab countries. It trains students and practitioners on public policy advocacy.

Engineering Consultancy and Development Center (ECDC)

The FUE-ECDC has the goal of offering comprehensive engineering consultancies and technical studies in different engineering fields with the objective of finding innovative, economic, and untraditional solutions for the problems which may face the development of Egyptian industry sector. Also, the center is keen to offer training sessions for the engineers and technicians of the profession with the objective of providing the trainers with the advanced up to date engineering theories and technologies . These objectives can be achieved through strengthening the cultural and scientific relations of the center with different local and international universities, research centers, Public and privet organizations and associations. The center performance depends on the experience of his staff members (Faculty, TAs, Technicians, and Secretary) from the Faculty of Engineering and Technology of the FUE, as well as on the strong infrastructure of the faculty (well organized laboratories provided with up to date equipment). In addition, the center cooperates with experts (Staff members and Technicians) and specialized laboratories from other local and international universities and consultancy centers.

Future Factory for Industrial Training (FFIT)

Future University in Egypt is aiming at being different in both offered facilities to students and learning techniques. Stemming of this, we established a training pharmaceutical plant, where actual simulation of industrial atmosphere takes place; Starting from receiving the raw materials, formulation, production till receiving the product and quality control of the manufactured product. The students attend undergrad courses of industrial 1 and 2 during the academic semester. Students are also allowed to a 100 hours training program during their summer and mid-year vacations. The students enjoy learning and formulating their own OTC products that they take home or use as giveaways to other Future University in Egypt students. An intensive training program includes a detailed knowledge of different pharmaceutical, excipients, incompatibilities, and basic requirements of formulation of different dosage forms. At the end of the training course students prepare their own shampoos, hand gels, teething gels, antirehumatic creams, bath bombs, lozenge- discs, antacid tablets, effervescent tablets, disinfectants like; dettol and hand soap. Students get to learn how to prepare different cosmetics and toiletries using natural components. This course will soon be an offered as a post grad. Course helping different community pharmacists and pharmacy owners to produce and sell their own products.

Future University in Egypt Bioequivalence Research Center

Future Research Center (FRC), a state of art addition to Future university in Egypt, was licensed by the Egyptian Ministry of Health and population under No. 1/2019 to perform bioequivalence/ bioavailability and stability studies. Since its launching in 2019 to date, FRC has helped many reputable pharmaceuticals in Egypt to obtain market authorization for their generic products through its highly equipped facilities and qualified staff. FRC operates in accordance with the Egyptian guidance of licensing requirements for Bioequivalence centers, GLP (Good Laboratory Practice), guidelines of organization for economic cooperation & development (OECD), GCP (Good clinical practice) and ICH harmonized tripartite guideline. Accordingly, FRC was deservedly awarded certificates of compliance to GCP & GLP from the Egyptian drug authority (EDA). For further information, please visit FRC website at

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