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The Faculty and Leadership Development Center at Alexandria University is a local, regional and global center of excellence for the professional development of faculty members and leaders. And other human cadres in higher education institutions, and a leading expert house in the field of human development for the various individuals and institutions of society. Center message The Faculty and Leadership Development Center at Alexandria University provides opportunities at the local and regional levels to develop the knowledge, skills and attitudes of faculty members, administrators, academic and administrative leaders, and students in universities and public and private higher institutes. The center provides human development programs and consultations for individuals and various community institutions, and technical support for organizing Conferences, workshops, symposia, and scientific discussions. Center goals Developing the professional capabilities of faculty members, administrators, academic and administrative leaders, students at Alexandria University, and public and private universities and higher institutes, so that they can effectively contribute to improving higher education outcomes. . Develop professional development programs that meet the needs of workers in higher education institutions, and are based on the scientific study of field problems and difficulties that may impede the quality of their performance. Adopting various mechanisms to spread a culture of professional development based on quality standards among the community of workers in higher education institutions, especially self-professional development. Developing human cadres in the various productive and service sectors in society to ensure the quality of performance in those sectors. 5 . Providing the necessary technical and administrative support for holding and organizing conferences, workshops, seminars, and scientific discussions. Develop self-experiences that support the continuous development of the center's activities in order to achieve its continuity in the performance of its mission.
Career Development Center and Entrepreneurship CDCE
Distinguished Scientific Publishing bureau
Higher Education Development and International Cooperation Bureau
Information, Documentation and Decision Making Support Center
At the beginning of the fifties, the need for a specialized center for medical research grew to treat health problems of a local nature, so the President of the Republic issued Decree Law No. 3 of 1957 AD regarding the establishment of the “Medical Institute” in Alexandria. Then Republican Decree No. 110 of 1961 was issued regarding the addition of the Medical Institute to the National Center For research, then it was transferred to the Ministry of Scientific Research in 1963 AD and continued until 1971 AD, when it became affiliated with the University of Alexandria. In 1993, the Medical Technology Center for Research and Services unit was established, a unit of a special nature affiliated to the Medical Research Institute - Alexandria University, and that was through a joint Egyptian-Italian cooperation project within the framework of the agreement between the Egyptian government and the Italian government. As is evident from the reasons for establishing the Medical Research Institute and its history, the Institute finds no alternative to focusing most of its attention to scientific research in it, and this is evident through its formulation of its vision, mission and strategic objectives, and its management’s constant insistence on developing research capacity in it.